Friday, December 27, 2019

The Colombian Reggaeton Singer Who Is From Medellin...

Maluma, the colombian reggaeton singer who is from Medellin Colombia, and Pitbull, the hip hop reggaeton singer who’s from Miami Florida, share some familiar similarities and vast differences in their background and songs. Both Maluma and Pitbull sing and rap to reggaeton music. With this in mind, reggaeton originated in Puerto Rico and is considered hip hop and latin american music. Reggaeton is also sung in spanish. Maluma began his music career in 2010 while Pitbull began in 2001. Uniquely, both singers perform live for their fans and neither of them are retired yet. Although Maluma started out at a much later period than Pitbull, he still has the same tone as Pitbull does in his songs. Maluma and Pitbull can each carry out beautiful vocal sounds and harmonize to music wonderfully. Correspondingly, they are extremely professional singers. For example, Maluma sings with a lot of low yet powerful vocals while Pitbull sings with medium to high pitched vocals. In general, the b etter they sound to their audience, the more they will rise to fame. Another key point is that they both feature other artists in some of their songs. Maluma and Pitbull can influence people to learn more about their culture, learn about their musical influence, and learn about their albums and visit them live in concert to experience an amazing show. Additionally, Pitbull comes from a beautiful city with a breathtaking view of Miami’s beach and Maluma comes from a place of tall buildings and artworkShow MoreRelatedPitbull Vs Malum Who Are Maluma And Pitbull, And How Did They Get Into The Music Industry1294 Words   |  6 PagesPitbull vs Maluma  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Who are Maluma and Pitbull, and how did they get into the music industry, how successful are they now? Maluma and Pitbull are two well known artists that share the same genre of music, but also have their differences in other genres of music they play,but have other difference in how they got into the industry. There music is known for the Reggaeton, hip hop and pop. Their musical classification is different to each other. Even though they do share the same genre, they have

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Theme of True Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream by...

The Theme of True Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare The overriding theme of the play A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare deals with the nature of love. Though true love seems to be held up as an ideal, false love is mostly what we are shown. Underneath his frantic comedy, Shakespeare seems to be asking the questions all lovers ask in the midst of their confusion: How do we know when love is real? How can we trust ourselves that love is real when we are so easily swayed by passion and romantic conventions? Some readers may sense bitterness behind the comedy, but will probably also recognize the truth behind Shakespeares satire. Often, love leads us down blind alleys and makes us do things we†¦show more content†¦Not that he is truly malevolent, but his tricks make people uncomfortable. However, they dont seem to do any permanent damage. He casts an ironic eye on humanity. Thinking of people as fools, he loves to make fools of them. He expresses this idea when he states What fools these mortals be†¦ Bu t laughter, not tears, is his aim. With his quickness, ventriloquism, and shape-changing ability, he clearly has magic fairy powers of his own. Meddling in the affairs of lovers and administering Cupids love juice, clearly presents Shakespeares views on the nature of love. Pucks mischievous ways may allow him to meddle within the affairs of the lovers, however, does this interference do more harm than good? This scene begins with Oberon encountering Puck in the middle of the woods. Puck, very excited, explains his actions. He tells Oberon how he caused Titania to fall in love with Bottom, who now has a donkey head. Puck also tells him that the Athenians had been placed under the spell causing them to fall magically in love. Oberon is very pleased with Pucks efforts, and agrees that the situation turned out better than expected. However, Oberon soon realizes Puck had made a mistake by causing the Athenian to fall in love with the wrong person. Oberon admonishes Puck for his mistake. Because of Puck, true love has been turned, and not a false turned true.Show MoreRelatedWeathering the Storms of True Love1159 Words   |  5 Pages Sitting on a porch swing with ones true love hugging and kissing as the moon smiles down upon them, seems like the perfect situation for true love. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Shakespeare presents the truth about true love in his comical tragedy A Midsummer Nights Dream. Lysander clearly stated loves situation when he told Hermia the course of true love never did run smooth (Griffiths 94). In some ways Lysanders declaration becomes the plays structuralRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream1474 Words   |  6 Pagesinstance, one could look at the movies A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Shakespeare in Love. The latter follows the life of William Shakespeare himself, everything from his love affair with Viola de Lesseps to his creation of Romeo and Juliet. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare’s, revolving around the tumultuous relationships of four lovers, aided, and sometimes thwarted by the mischief of fairies. Although Shakespeare in Love outlines a few of the characteristicsRead More The Theme of Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare662 Words   |  3 PagesThe Theme of Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare    When love is in attendance it brings care, faith, affection and intimacy. This is proved true in the spectacular play A Midsummer Nights Dream written by William Shakespeare. This play displays the facts about lust, hatred, jealousy and their roles in something powerfully desirable. It is entitled love. Love is present everywhere, in every form, in every condition and even when one least expects it.       Read MoreThe Theme of Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare1563 Words   |  7 PagesThe Theme of Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare In A Midsummer Nights Dream, Shakespeare presents us with multiple types of love by using numerous couples in various different situations. For example: Doting loves, the love induced by Oberons potion and in some aspects, Lysander and Hermias love for each other; there are true loves: Oberon and Titania, Lysander and Hermia (for the first half at least, as Lysanders love switches to Helena temporarily)Read MoreEssay on Human Nature in Hamlet and a Midsummer Nights Dream1314 Words   |  6 Pagespeople to love, then destroy, then love again that which they value the most.† –Unknown. Countless authors have tried to display love as human nature, but no author does this better than the famous playwright, William Shakespeare. In both Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare exhibits how love can control a person. To understand how love controls a person, one must understand that human nature is the sum of qualities and traits shared by all humans. All humans have exhibit love in oneRead MoreA Descriptive Bibliography Of Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream 1542 Words   |  7 PagesShakespeare’s â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† William Shakespeare was born April 1564 and grew up in Strafford-upon-Avon. He wrote â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† in his early years as a playwright. He also wrote the play is a mixture of romance and comedy. It tells the story of four young people who fall in love with each other with the aid of magic. Shakespeare managed to create a dream world for the audience using the characters tied to a plot filled with antics and themes that everyone canRead MoreThemes, Motifs and Symbols in A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay1041 Words   |  5 Pages Throughout the play, â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written by William Shakespeare, are several themes, motifs, and symbols. Dreams are a reoccurring theme. Dreams are connected to the unexplainable and mysterious events, occurring in the woods. â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† can be compared to â€Å"The Tempest†, also written by Shakespeare, because it contains the same theme of dreams- â€Å"That, if I then had waked after long sleep, / Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming†Read More The Role of the Forest in Midsummer Nights Dream and As You Like It1387 Words   |  6 Pages William Shakespeare often compares imagination and reality in his plays. He explores this comparison through the role and purpose of the forests in Midsummer Nights Dream and As You Like It. Midsummer Nights Dream focuses on imagination and escape, while As You like It focuses on reality and self discovery. Imagination plays a key role in Midsummer Nights Dream. Puck, a fairy servant and friend of Oberon watches six Athenian men practice a play to be performed for Theseus wedding in theRead MoreThe Roots Of Fantasy Assignment : A Midsummer Night s Dream911 Words   |  4 PagesThe Roots of Fantasy Assignment: A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream was written in the early modern period somewhere between 1595 and 1596. The play showcases elements of the fantasy genre which not only influence the plot and overall world of the play but significantly developed and contributed to the genre itself. Shakespeare contrasts the lawful setting of Athens with the enchanted, magical world of the forest, capturing how the role of imagination andRead More Night in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay1379 Words   |  6 PagesNight in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream One of the recurring themes throughout Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream is the time of day during which the play’s major action takes place: night. This being the case, there are certain words that are directly linked to this theme that appear numerous times throughout the script. Four such words are â€Å"moon,† â€Å"moonlight,† â€Å"moonshine,† and â€Å"lunatic.† Each comes from a feminine root that serves to identify the women in the play as

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Of simulation and dissimulation Essay Example For Students

Of simulation and dissimulation Essay Dissimulation is but a faint kind of policy, or wisdom; for it asketh a strong wit, and a strong heart, to know when to tell truth, and to do it. Therefore it is the weaker sort of politics, that are the great dissemblers. Tacitus saith, Livia sorted well with the arts of her husband, and dissimulation of her son; attributing arts or policy to Augustus, and dissimulation to Tiberius. And again, when Mucianus encourageth Vespasian, to take arms against Vitellius, he saith, We rise not against the piercing judgment of Augustus, nor the extreme caution or closeness of Tiberius. These properties, of arts or policy, and dissimulation or closeness, are indeed habits and faculties several, and to be distinguished. For if a man have that penetration of judgment, as he can discern what things are to be laid open, and what to be secreted, and what to be showed at half lights, and to whom and when which indeed are arts of state, and arts of life, as Tacitus well calleth them, to him, a habit of dissimulation is a hinderance and a poorness. But if a man cannot obtain to that judgment, then it is left to him generally, to be close, and a dissembler. For where a man cannot choose, or vary in particulars, there it is good to take the safest, and wariest way, in general; like the going softly, by one that cannot well see. Certainly the ablest men that ever were, have had all an openness, and frankness, of dealing; and a name of certainty and veracity; but then they were like horses well managed; for they could tell passing well, when to stop or turn; and at such times, when they thought the case indeed required dissimulation, if then they used it, it came to pass that the former opinion, spread abroad, of their good faith and clearness of dealing, made them almost invisible. There be three degrees of this hiding and veiling of a mans self. The first, closeness, reservation, and secrecy; when a man leaveth himself without observation, or without hold to be taken, what he is. The second, dissimulation, in the negative; when a man lets fall signs and arguments, that he is not, that he is. And the third, simulation, in the affirmative; when a man industriously and expressly feigns and pretends to be, that he is not. For the first of these, secrecy; it is indeed the virtue of a confessor. And assuredly, the secret man heareth many confessions. For who will open himself, to a blab or a babbler? But if a man be thought secret, it inviteth discovery; as the more close air sucketh in the more open; and as in confession, the revealing is not for worldly use, but for the ease of a mans heart, so secret men come to the knowledge of many things in that kind; while men rather discharge their minds, than impart their minds. In few words, mysteries are due to secrecy. Besides to say truth nakedness is uncomely, as well in mind as body; and it addeth no small reverence, to mens manners and actions, if they be not altogether open. As for talkers and futile persons, they are commonly vain and credulous withal. For he that talketh what he knoweth, will also talk what he knoweth not. Therefore set it down, that an habit of secrecy, is both politic and moral. And in this part, it is good that a mans face give his tongue leave to speak. For the discovery of a mans self, by the tracts of his countenance, is a great weakness and betraying; by how much it is many times more marked, and believed, than a mans words. For the second, which is dissimulation; it followeth many times upon secrecy, by a necessity; so that he that will be secret, must be a dissembler in some degree. For men are too cunning, to suffer a man to keep an indifferent carriage between both, and to be secret, without swaying the balance on either side. .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 , .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .postImageUrl , .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 , .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068:hover , .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068:visited , .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068:active { border:0!important; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068:active , .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068 .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u937bbe0e5f6c94c403ce28f7b6ba6068:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Darkness of Macbeth EssayThey will so beset a man with questions, and draw him on, and pick it out of him, that, without an absurd silence, he must show an inclination one way; or if he do not, they will gather as much by his silence, as by his speech. As for equivocations, or oraculous speeches, they cannot hold out long. So that no man can be secret, except he give himself a little scope of dissimulation; which is, as it were, but the skirts or train of secrecy. But for the third degree, which is simulation, and false profession; that I hold more culpable, and less politic; except it be in great and rare matters. And therefore a general custom of simulation which is this last degree is a vice, rising either of a natural falseness or fearfulness, or of a mind that hath some main faults, which because a man must needs disguise, it maketh him practise simulation in other things, lest his hand should be out of use. The great advantages of simulation and dissimulation are three. First, to lay asleep opposition, and to surprise. For where a mans intentions are published, it is an alarum, to call up all that are against them. The second is, to reserve to a mans self a fair retreat. For if a man engage himself by a manifest declaration, he must go through or take a fall. The third is, the better to discover the mind of another. For to him that opens himself, men will hardly show themselves adverse; but will fair let him go on, and turn their freedom of speech, to freedom of thought. And therefore it is a good shrewd proverb of the Spaniard, Tell a lie and find a troth; as if there were no way of discovery, but by simulation. There be also three disadvantages, to set it even. The first, that simulation and dissimulation commonly carry with them a show of fearfulness, which in any business, doth spoil the feathers, of round flying up to the mark. The second, that it puzzleth and perplexeth the conceits of many, that perhaps would otherwise co-operate with him; and makes a man walk almost alone, to his own ends. The third and greatest is, that it depriveth a man of one of the most principal instruments for action; which is trust and belief. The best composition and temperature, is to have openness in fame and opinion; secrecy in habit; dissimulation in seasonable use; and a power to feign, if there be no remedy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

On The Beach At Night Alone By Walt Whitman Essays - Brooklyn Eagle

On the Beach at Night Alone by Walt Whitman In ?On the Beach at Night Alone,? Walt Whitman develops the idea that everyone has a connection with everything else, including nature. Whitman uses a variety of writing techniques to get his point across. First, the repetition and parallel structure that his poems contain reinforce the connection between everything in nature. The usage of ?All? 11 times emphasizes the inclusion of everything in the universe. The sentence structure remains the same throughout the poem, without any drastic change; however, the length of the lines in the poem vary. In addition, Whitman's' extravagance with his words further illustrates his idea of the Over-Soul. For example, ?A vast similitude interlocks all? (4) shows his verbose nature. Whitman does not do directly to the point, but gives every little detail. Most importantly, Whitman's' use of catalogues stands as the most recognizable Whitman characteristic that illustrates his beliefs. These long lists that he uses set the mood of the poem. ?All s pheres, grown, ungrown, small, large, suns, moons, planets,? (5) shows the idea that everything is connected in nature. Similarly, ?All nations, colors, barbarisms, civilizations languages.? (10) furthermore emphasize Whitman's belief in the Over-Soul. Although Whitman uses a great deal of structural ways to stress his ideas, he also uses many other ways of delivering his ideas. First of all, Whitman portrays himself as a public spokesman of the masses. The tone of the poem is a very loud, informative tone that grabs ones attention. The emphasis placed on the word ?all? adds to the characterization of Whitman as a powerful speaker. Furthermore, Whitman takes part in his own poem. Participating in his own poem, Whitman moreover illustrates the connection between everything in life. Lastly, Whitman, most of all, celebrates universal brotherhood and democracy. Once again, the inclusion of the word ?all? so many times demonstrates Whitman's belief in that everyone is connected no matter what their position is in society. Whitman stresses the fact that all humans are equal in that ?All identities that have existed or may exist on this globe? (11) share similar connections with nature. Ultimately, Whitman's belief in the Over-Soul reveal s the bond between nature and the universe.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Senseo Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance

Introduction For the last one decade, Senseo has been an important contributor to the coffee appliances business. The company breakthrough in coffee pod machine has enabled consumers to make quality coffee faster than before (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). Small size and ease of use from Senseo system helps in making the necessary coffee cup. Many households today rely on Senseo automated coffee pod machine.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Senseo: Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company highlights the coffee pod machine and coffee pods as the ensuing unique value adds in the current global market. These are products that can rapidly obtain, analyze and take action on real-time data inputs. For the products such as coffee pods, Senseo is a market leader in many European countries while it also serves other foreign markets in America continent. The unce rtainties associated with each market are different and part of the Senseo story. The constant adaptation of products and business strategies are defining features of Senseo as a business. This is an important accomplishment of the firm especially when it comes to international expansion. The stiff competition in the global coffee market suggests the need for strategic entry into foreign markets in order to increase the market share (Hollensen, 2010, p.142). Beginning with the development of the patented coffee machine and brewing process in 2001 and extending to Senseo one-of-a-kind coffee ponds, international marketing initiatives have been considered by Senseo as the key to business success. The international alliance between Philips and Douwe Egberts is not just incremental gain but performance gain of an order of magnitude. Concurrently, Senseo has long invested in international market expansion which is another imperative part of this case. Senseo is the result of the partners hip between electronics expert Philips and coffee roaster Douwe Egberts both of which have a degree of autonomy (Hollensen, 2010, p.139). Royal Philips Electronics is based in Netherlands while Douwe Egberts is based in Denmark.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Both of these firms have expanded internationally with substantial brand recognition across the world. This case study is focused on the competitive advantage created through this alliance and the spirit of expansion is reflected in the performance of Senseo in presence of determined competitors. Global market environment The global coffee products market is becoming increasingly saturated. This is because of the increasing number of companies which are venturing into the industry. One of the factors that are contributing to this rapid growth is the increasing distribution of me-too products. This section gives a comprehensive of the coffee products market environment through PEST analysis. PEST analysis Political factors In order for Senseo to operate in the international market, it went through an important strategic alliance. This process of partnering exposed the company to various political factors across different economies. Government stability is a major factor that affects the company business. According to Cavusgil et al (2009), firms intending to enter new market encounter country risks including political risk which refers to the stability of the target country government. Expansion to these markets put the company under these political risks. The success of Senseo in many European countries can be attributed to the political stability of these countries. Thus the firm should reconsider this issue when entering emerging markets in future. In addition, governmental trade laws and regulation are key factors influencing Senseo international business. Between 2001 and 2007, the compa ny success was accelerated by the patented pod machine (Hollensen, 2010, p.141). However, the ccompany has to cope with new environments where such laws do not apply. There are also different intellectual property rights within these environments though Senseo can take the advantage of the alliance as the basis to mitigate any risk associated. Export laws affect the business in that Douwe Egberts has to abide with such legal requirements when exporting the coffee used to make coffee pods.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Senseo: Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Economic The potential markets for Senseo products include the developed and emerging markets. In fact, the economic situation in the European countries where the company operates in terms of monetary issues is a major factor that drives Senseo. The economic trends in home countries of the par tners have also impacted on the business significantly. For instance, it has been reported that one third of the Dutch households own a Senseo machine and the number is expected to increase (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). This is partly because the country is economically stable and individual income is relatively high. Moreover, the fact that Senseo is operating in emerging markets such as the Chinese market suggests the influence of economic factors in these economies. According to Fedorova and Vaihekoski (2009), the major sources of risks in emerging markets are market segmentation and fluctuations in exchange rates (p.6). Single serve brewing concept is expected to impact most developing markets where disposable income has not reached sustainable level (Hollensen, 2010, p.138). Therefore, the economic growth in these markets will be a key driver of Senseo business in future. Socio-cultural factors International business are affected by changes in social environment either positively o r negatively (Baron, 2005, p.207). Senseo operates in several markets with varying social and cultural preferences. Cavusgil et al (2009) connote that cross cultural risk is a key challenge for internationalizing firms. The fact that European consumers have a special attachment to coffee is a major drive for success in the industry. Coffee is consumed daily by all members in a typical European family. Essentially, the international growth of Senseo can be directly related to increasing demand of a faster way to make a cup of coffee. Furthermore, the population has been increasing throughout the decade leading to increase in coffee consumption (De Mooij, 2010, p.71). The new generation is looking for the easiest and convenient lifestyle thus embracing new technologies with both hands. For Senseo and other coffee pod machine marketers, this group forms the largest segment.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, the typical owner of such a machine is 40 years or below suggesting the significance of the younger generations (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). Therefore, it appears that the high birth rates in potential markets are a factor that can influence the industry as long as it meets the expected lifestyle standards. Technological factors In the last one decade the world has experienced massive technological developments. These changes have been part of the success factors for Senseo. Senseo coffee pod machine is a technological breakthrough that has built consumer intimacy. The company has also sort to differentiate the products through the adoption of new technologies for their products as reflected in the new model machine. Competitors such as Nestle and Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bents KG have continued to introduce new machines with added technological features. Thus, the competition is somehow based on the technological capability of individual firms. Strategic fit analysis The mar ket environment indicates that Senseo is faced by a number of opportunities and challenges. For instance, the analysis shows that there is a high probability of the company experiencing an increment in the intensity of competition. On the other hand, economic stability and growth coupled with social trends represents an opportunity for Senseo to increase market share and profitability. The high rate of technological innovation presents an opportunity for Senseo to improve the competitive advantage through production of faster and high quality coffee pod machines. However, this is achieved when the company focuses on the core competencies and strengths to exploit the emerging opportunities while converting the weaknesses into strengths (Spence Kale, 2011). Core competencies According to Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson (2011), firms’ core competencies refer to the capabilities that form the accruing source of competitive advantage (p.82). Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) ar e of the opinion that for a company capability to be considered as a core competency, it should be inimitable, unique, non-substitutable and valuable (p.4). In all operations, Senseo has managed to create a number of core competencies. First, Senseo has developed strong brands that have successfully penetrated the international market. The company has achieved this by forming a strategic business alliance with two important firms. The strong brand is accompanied by the strong brands of individual companies that form the alliance. As noted, creating an overall identity that transparently links coffee and appliance as part of single system and building consumer intimacy around this was the crucial building block to success (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). Secondly, Senseo has built a strong management team to suit the internationalization strategy. As Cavusgil et al (2008) noted the fundamental challenge facing the organizations entering international markets is centered on solving manageria l problems in these markets (p.5). Thus, the success of the company is directly connected to good management. Furthermore, the key people involved in managing such an alliance must have the personal skills to make it a success. SWOT analysis Strength To survive in the international market, it is vital to build a competitive advantage (Harrison John, 2009, p.61). Among the ways through which a firm can achieve this is by improving important strengths. In business operations Senseo has developed a strong brand image due to the effectiveness in designing and producing high quality coffee pod machines. The company has invested heavily on RD such that they produce new products ahead of market competitors. With characteristics of a strategic asset-seeking investment, Senseo has been able to promote long-term goals by reaping the advantages of the two partners (Dunning Lundan, 2008, p.73). The implementation of effective technology enables the company to produce high quality products. Th is satisfies the needs and wants of the consumers in the target markets especially those in European and American countries. Weaknesses The major weakness for Senseo is the narrowed focus on Eastern Europe markets. Cavusgil et al (2009) highlight the importance of market research before a firm decides to enter foreign market. But, Senseo demonstrates failure in this respect as their target market is primarily European countries while other countries could promise better performance. In addition, Senseo has very few products in their portfolio which suggests limited market segments. Coffee appliances are many and the company should attempt to widen the product portfolio and probably enhance their competitive advantage. Opportunities The social changes being experienced in many countries present an opportunity to Senseo. For instance, the growth in population presents an opportunity for the company to increase the current customer base. In addition, the economic growth in some countri es is an opening to new markets. Emerging markets are said to offer greater market development opportunities than those in developed countries but with the offer of higher returns comes higher risks (Cavusgil et al, 2008). The high rate of technological innovation also presents an opportunity for Senseo to enhance global competitiveness. This arises from the fact that the company will be able to develop high quality coffee pod machines (Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2009, p.10). Threats Senseo faces intense competition from other multinational companies such as Nestle, Melitta, Tchibo and Aldi (Varga, 2010, p.5). The future success of the firm is threatened by the fact that these companies are also diversifying their products. Therefore, consumer bargaining power in international markets is increasing due to the wide range of products available for them. In addition, Senseo is threatened by low-cost followers from china who must enter the industry in future (Tsui Lau, 2002). In as much as the firm differentiates through the alliance, the low cost followers will never be discouraged as long as new technologies are in place. There could be the fear of the followers developing cheap coffee pod machines that consumers would consider to be better. More interesting is that the followers begin by entering the emerging markets on their way up while Senseo approach these markets from the top. Therefore, the firm is threatened by saturated markets in those emerging markets if the foreign investment comes at a later stage. Creating international competitiveness through core competences Product development has been a long-term priority for Senseo. When the company focused on coffee products to support market entry it needed to create value to customer through innovation and high quality products. In 2001 the company developed the first coffee pod machine that was geared towards the use of coffee pods produced by Douwe Egberts (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). As the machi ne was patented, Senseo was able to increase the market share due to the high demand of the product. Indeed, the company was able to sell more than 15 million coffee machines and more than 8 billion coffee pods in the first seven years (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). According to Uppsala model, the company gradually increased and intensified activities in neighboring markets as the demand increased. By mid-2007 it was estimated that the company sold over five million coffee pod machines in Germany. Currently, Senseo business depends on innovation as patents were revoked in many market environments. Competitors keep on bringing new products into the market thus forcing the company to heavily invest on RD. In 2007 the company launched a new model-the Senseo New Generation-with novel mechanism to accommodate larger cups and new features including insufficient water indicators, larger water reservoir and options allowing users to adjust water quantity (Hollensen, 2010, p.142). This breakthrou gh is a result of the strategic alliance that enables the company to control the development of both coffee pod machines and the coffee pods. The success of a strategic alliance depends on the benefits perceived by each partner especially if their brands are already recognized. In this regard, Senseo had to leverage the equity in the partnering brands in order to give credibility to the new brand (Hollensen, 2010, p.141). While competition may lead to adverse factors like reduced prices of the products, a partnership can succeed by relying on mutual performance (Wallace, 2001, p.859). For instance, when the prices of coffee pod machines went below production costs Senseo continues to succeed as the losses in machine sales are compensated by the profits from coffee sales. Internationalization Hollensen (2010) identifies three models that can define how organizations enter foreign markets namely network, transaction cost and Uppsala models. These models may depend on factors like the type of business; the nature of target markets; the position of the firm in terms of resources; and the corporation motive to include others. Network model is where the supplier develops a good relationship with the buyer and internationalizes in order to service the customer better from another location while depending on resources controlled by other firms. Transaction cost theory is when a firm enters a foreign market and creates activities internally instead of outsourcing especially through exports or foreign direct investment (Dunning Lundan, 2008, p.70). Uppsala model is about how firms gradually increase and intensify their activities in foreign markets by first gaining experience from home markets before proceeding to international markets. From the analysis of Senseo case study, it is evident that the entry strategy to foreign markets can be explained through Uppsala model. The initial market for the firm was the Scandinavian countries where the partners came from. As the demand for coffee pod machines increased in the neighboring markets of France and Germany, the firm would enter the markets. This is reflected in the market being concentrated within the Western part of Europe. Certainly, the single serve brewing concept has proved successful in Europe and the trend is still in the early stages in the U.S. and is yet to impact on developing countries (Hollensen 2010, p.138). In this respect, it would be worth to suggest that transaction cost model for internationalization would serve Senseo business better. This is because the company is well established and has vast resources that can be used to extend assumed business in other potential markets through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). According to Cavusgil et al (2008), the fundamental challenge facing the firms entering international markets centers on solving managerial problems in these markets (p.5). But Senseo managers have proved to be competent enough such that they can be able to make eff ective decisions about how to mitigate the risks associated with Internationalization. In addition, there are many opportunities in the markets that the company is slack in operation. The American market is the largest in terms of coffee consumption while the Asian emerging markets have opportunities related to economic growth. As Dunning and Lundan (2008) connote, the company should engage market-seeking investment in order to exploit new market besides sustaining the existing one (p.70). In fact, competition in coffee pods machines is concentrated in European countries and moving away from these markets would suggest low competition. Therefore, Senseo should consider entering the emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil. While the developed markets are threatened by saturation, the emerging markets lack branded firms that offer coffee pod machines as well as the coffee pods and capsules. References Baron, D. 2005. Business and the surrounding environment. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 205-208. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. 2008. International business. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. Yaprak, A. 2009. Conducting market research for international business. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. De Mooij, M. 2010. Consumer Behavior and Culture: Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising. Thousands Oak, CA: SAGE. Dunning, J. H. Lundan, S. M. 2008. Multinational enterprises and the global economy. London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Economist Intelligence Unit Limited. 2009. Unlocking innovation in China: An economist intelligence unit report. Available at:Â . Fedorova, E. Vaihekoski, M. 2009. Global and local Sources of risk in eastern European emerging stock markets. Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.59 (1), pp.1-19. Harrison, J. S. John, C. H. 2009. Foundations in Strategic Man agement. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning. Hitt, M., Ireland, D., Hoskisson, R. 2011.Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization Concepts. Mason: South Western Cengage Learning. Hollensen S. 2010. Global Marketing: A decision oriented approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. Whittington, R. 2008. Exploring corporate strategy: Text cases. New York: FT/Financial Times. Spence, M., Kale, S. 2011. Optimizing the internal value chain: Principles and practices. Journal of Management Organization, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 193-206. Tsui, A., Lau, C. 2002. The management of enterprises on the People’s Republic of China. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. Varga, M. 2010. Analyzing the Australian fashion industry according to Porter’s five forces. New York, NY: GRIN Verlag. Wallace, P. D. 2001. Encyclopedia of Ecommerce. New Delhi, India: Sarup Sons. This case study on Senseo: Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance was written and submitted by user Abrielle Anthony to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Anonymity

The quality or state of being unknown or unacknowledged is called Anonymity. In her passage â€Å"The Anonymous Voice†, Esther Dyson talks about anonymity, its benefits and misuses. Esther Dyson earned her degree in economics from Harvard and then began her career as a fact checker and then a reporter for Forbes, a business magazine. The main idea of this passage is to explain why people adopt anonymity. Esther Dyson begins her article with her own anonymous role in life, and then talks more about anonymity in practice, problems with anonymity, her experience at the WELL, and true life experiments. In today’s world most of the people have second identity. Anonymity is in practice since decades. People send messages via blank calls and unsigned letters. Often a person has to play many roles in her life, in some cases she wants to be anonymous. Why? It is not necessary that anonymity is only for bad reasons, but there are also some legitimate reasons for which anonym ity is good. â€Å"Socially, anonymity is a useful mechanism for people to let off steam, explore ideas of fantasies, and hide from social disapproval with a minimum of consequences† (115). There are always two sides of the coin: the head and the tail. Some people use anonymity to avoid everyday responsibilities and challenges, to take advantages of others’ weaknesses, to betray their confidences, to misuse a totally open world, and to know others’ secrets. Esther Dyson is not on either side of anonymity. Although she is more towards the bad side of anonymity, she also had anonymous role in her own life. She says that anonymity is not a totally bad thing as long as one doesn’t misuse it. From the experience at the WELL, Dyson tries to show that how anonymity can be good or bad. On the positive side, people formed a tight little community, full of friendship and gossip, with deep friendships, and a few romances, some shared secrets and many more. On the oth... Free Essays on Anonymity Free Essays on Anonymity The quality or state of being unknown or unacknowledged is called Anonymity. In her passage â€Å"The Anonymous Voice†, Esther Dyson talks about anonymity, its benefits and misuses. Esther Dyson earned her degree in economics from Harvard and then began her career as a fact checker and then a reporter for Forbes, a business magazine. The main idea of this passage is to explain why people adopt anonymity. Esther Dyson begins her article with her own anonymous role in life, and then talks more about anonymity in practice, problems with anonymity, her experience at the WELL, and true life experiments. In today’s world most of the people have second identity. Anonymity is in practice since decades. People send messages via blank calls and unsigned letters. Often a person has to play many roles in her life, in some cases she wants to be anonymous. Why? It is not necessary that anonymity is only for bad reasons, but there are also some legitimate reasons for which anonym ity is good. â€Å"Socially, anonymity is a useful mechanism for people to let off steam, explore ideas of fantasies, and hide from social disapproval with a minimum of consequences† (115). There are always two sides of the coin: the head and the tail. Some people use anonymity to avoid everyday responsibilities and challenges, to take advantages of others’ weaknesses, to betray their confidences, to misuse a totally open world, and to know others’ secrets. Esther Dyson is not on either side of anonymity. Although she is more towards the bad side of anonymity, she also had anonymous role in her own life. She says that anonymity is not a totally bad thing as long as one doesn’t misuse it. From the experience at the WELL, Dyson tries to show that how anonymity can be good or bad. On the positive side, people formed a tight little community, full of friendship and gossip, with deep friendships, and a few romances, some shared secrets and many more. On the oth...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What are the major arguments for both the advantages and disadvantages Essay

What are the major arguments for both the advantages and disadvantages of(1) division of powers and checks and balances and (2) federalism - Essay Example ecutive branch had the complete power of the United States vested in its care then a significant amount of individuals could potentially feel alienated or oppressed by the decision-making (Joe). Similarly, the short time period of congressional representatives, and the life period of judicial representatives allows for differing perspectives to be thrown into the political mix. Still theorists recognize that there are many disadvantages. The United States operates under what has been termed Federalism. One of the primary tenants of Federalism is that there is a national government, but states that fall within the auspices of this governmental structure. There is then a further division of powers between the states and the national government. Just as with the branches of government, the checks and balances between state and national powers guard against corruption and allow for multiple perspectives. Still, the disadvantages with both the divisions of the branches and Federalism are that they create layers of bureaucratic government structure. These added layers hinder the quick passage of laws that could directly contribute to the betterment of society (Rice). Joe, Chris. "Drawbacks of Checks and Balances." . N.p., 2011. Web. 26 Mar 2012.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Supply chain management - Essay Example In this regard, the essay helps in developing a better understanding of the various concepts related with the SCM and lean manufacturing through the effective analysis of the advantages as well as disadvantages related with the system. The current issue that are identifiable within the business is to enhance the efficiency of SCM that is operating within an organization. Organisations operating in the present domain are having different set of SCM processes and needs to be handled in a separate manner to enhance the ability of the same. The issues arising from operations of SCM is even different based on the varied organisational perspective. Some common issues faced within the domain of SCM are identified within the operational area of an organization. The major issues identifiable within an organisation are mostly in the operational areas related with the configuration of distribution network, inventory control and outsourcing. The effective maintenance and handling of the different processes of production is noted to be affecting the needs of the business and further hindering the operations of an organisation (Womack, & Jones, 1994). Lean manufacturing process includes a series of steps that are involved with value creation for the customers, continuous improvement as well as eliminating waste among others. Lean SCM could effectively handle specific issues related with production as well as other operations within the domain of SCM. Through the effective management of the production, cycle lean would help in developing the SCM that is operating within the domain of organisational operations (Holweg, 2007). To enhance the efficiency of lean, it should focus on the waste management of over effective production to ensure a sustainable development for organizations practising lean manufacturing. An organization needs to maintain its level of consumers and ensure the timely production of goods this could be effectively handled by

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Walden by Thoreau, a Satirical criticism Essay Example for Free

Walden by Thoreau, a Satirical criticism Essay Walter Harding is most accurate when he said you could read Walden as a satirical criticism of modern life and living. Another way of saying this would be that Thoreau writes in a way that he is criticizing the way modern people are living. In fact, he believes, that we could be living in a different way, which would ideally be a more nature-oriented and simplistic form of living. In other words, Thoreau thinks the best way to live is to abandon all materialistic things and live in nature. His reasoning leads to the conclusion that you can be closer to the universal soul and fulfill more of a spiritual life. So, in this sense, we can look at the book in a way that Thoreau seems to criticize the civilization. One thing we can be sure about is that whenever Thoreau speaks of the positive points of living in nature, he is in some way criticizing nature because he claims he his nature has a better method of functioning. Although he does not insist that people remove to nature, he encourages people to do so because he believes thats the best way for them to learn about themselves and the world. One of the lessons he learns involves some criticism on modern society and possessions. An example that Thoreau brings up involves how farmers are chained to their farms as much as a person would be to jail. This can be explained by saying if you work to own things, you will restrict your freedom because you need to work to be able to own things. If you work to gain materialistic things, then you will not be able to gain personal freedom because you consume so much time with it. Thoreaus solution is that you have to realize what you need and what you want. Once you do this, then you are able to work less and work for only the necessary things. Since he is making this suggestion, he is also putting down the way society works. Secondly, Thoreau thinks the modern society has too much excess and should be simpler. A good quote to support this statement would be that he says, Most of the luxuries and many of the so called comforts of life are not only dispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. Basically he is saying that the more comfortable we get, the lazier we become,  therefore slowing down the growth and development of society. This is easily stated in the first chapter of Walden. Another example of Thoreaus criticism of the society is about how we do not simplify, like we should, because our life (society), Is frittered away with detail. Things we can simplify even include the four basic necessities. For instance, clothing isnt important, it is the man behind the clothing. Shelter is important for withstanding the weather, but good shelter doesnt take more than a few days or weeks to create. Thoreau is saying that society lives materialistic lives of excess and in the end it is better off that you arent that way. Lastly, Thoreau believes that we do not spend enough time in solitude. Solitude, to Thoreau is a person that accompanies him. In his opinion, solitude does him more good than any other company. When with solitude, he can think more clearly and deeper to learn more about himself. He believes living in nature is preferable to living in a town. Thoreau is criticizing modern living because he says we have too much work and things to think about and flood our minds with. We arent spending enough time in solitude, and we should be. We are given these four basic needs (food, fuel, clothing, and shelter) but we do not pay enough attention to simplifying our lives down to these necessities. Moreover, Thoreau feels strongly on the importance of time for solitude, so if we arent following that plan, then we arent experiencing what Thoreau thinks is essential to being complete. In conclusion, I believe that Thoreau is criticizing the modern society in many ways, which have been proven to you. Thoreau always has the words must and need in his lectures, and this must obviously mean that he is implying we are lacking something (which to him is contact with nature and spirit). If he says we as modern society are lacking something, then it is a criticism. I must also let you know that the examples I provided were chosen out of many possible ones, so there is always more evidence to prove that Thoreaus purpose was to criticize. Also Thoreau is very justified in his points, and it is easy to understand these ideas that he gives. Society is getting lazier and considering this literature lets us take a step back and look at where we are headed in this world.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Friendships

Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Friendships Friends. How many of us have them? Friends. Ones that we can depend on. This question about friendships was asked in the 1984 song Friends by Whodini. Humans have the need for social interaction and one of the ways that human beings fill this need is by forming friendships. From an early age, we form bonds with our peers. Initially these bonds start as surface friendships in childhood and as people grow older, the friendships they have take on a more profound meaning. Many different kinds of friendships can be found depicted in the media. From television shows like Friends, Girlfriends, and Seinfeld to movies that depict the ups and downs of friendships. People typically have more same-sex than cross-sex friendships (Booth Hess 1974; Ross, 1985). In this paper, I will discuss the differences and similarities of female-female and male-male friendships and use examples from two movies to show how the values and characteristics of these friendships differ and are alike. I will also be discussing cross-sex friendships (CSFs). There hasnt been as much research or theory on cross-sex friendships because for a long time, theorists and researchers viewed cross-sex friendships as potential romantic relationships (Bleske-Recheck Buss, 2001). This view has changed and there is now emerging research and study of difficulties and advantage of having and maintaining cross-sex friendships. I will also be discussing a movie that demonstrates the positive and negative features of cross-sex friendships. Male-Male Friendships Although there has been a rising popularity of depicting bromances (a term used to describe close male friendships) in the media, Traustadottir found that research has found that males have significantly fewer friends than women, especially close friendships or best friends. (2008 p.1) There are three main barriers that have been attributed to the lack of close friendships in men; competition between men, traditional masculine stereotypes about real men, and fear of homosexuality (Fasteau, 1991; McGill, 1985; Miller, 1983). The movie The Wood, is about three male friends from Inglewood, California who have grown apart and reunite back in their hometown during one of their weddings. The movie shows present-day and also flashback scenes to their childhood to show how their friendship developed. One of the flash-back scenes gives an example of the three barriers attributed to lack of closeness. The three main characters; Mike, Roland, and Slim in a pizza parlor discussing how their luck with the women is going during their junior year of high school. All three are talking about their frustration at still being virgins as sophomores (traditional masculine stereotypes), they begin to argue about who will lose their virginity first (fear of homosexuality) and decide to make it a competition by making a pot. Every week, they add a dollar to the pot and whoever loses their virginity first will receive the money (competition). Male friendships tend to emphasize activities and companionship and expressions of closeness felt between friends comes in the form of friendly teasing. Although male friendships are formed and maintained in ways that differ from female friendships, there are still some similarities that can be seen. Male friendships provide a release of stress and reduce depression in the same manner that women friendships do. Female-Female Friendships The differences in female friendships and male friendships is not in what is strived for in their close relationships i.e. intimacy, empathy, and trust; but in the means in which their friendship goals are accomplished. Women are naturally more apt to show emotions and this translates into the friendships they form as well. Traustadottir (2009) examination of female friendships found: Women typically describe their friendships in terms of closeness and emotional attachment. What characterizes friendships between women is the willingness to share important feelings, thoughts, experiences, and support. Women devote a good deal of time and intensity of involvement to friends. (p.1) Women are more open with affection and more likely to sincerely complimenting each other. While men use communication to accomplish things, communication is seen as a way to build and maintain intimacy and closeness in female friendships. This is why women are more likely to discuss personal thoughts, feelings, and problems with their friends (Greif 2009). In a survey done by Greif (2009) 71% of women stated that being understood (communication, sharing, caring, not being judged, and receiving feedback) to describe what friendship means. Only 51% of men surveyed answered the same. Demonstrating friendships with concrete acts (example. helping move, giving loan) was a choice that men responded to in the survey was not shown on the womens responses. In the movie, Waiting To Exhale, it depicts four female friends providing support and advice to each other through their dealing with men, families, and careers. This movie shows how female relationships are built on communication and emotional intimacy. Cross-Sex Friendships Because male and female same-sex friendships have different characteristic, it has been speculated that men and women cannot become and maintain strictly platonic friendships. Although much more difficult, successful cross-sex relationships are possible. There are at least four unique challenges facing individuals in cross-sex relationships: defining the relationship, managing sexual attraction, establishing equality, and managing interference of others (OMeara, 1989). The movie Brown Sugar is the story of two friends Dre and Sidney that met as children and have maintained their cross-sex friendship throughout their adulthood. In the movie, Dre starts dating a woman and they become engaged. This sparks questions and thoughts about Sidney and Dres own friendship and if there was any romantic feelings between them. One scene in the movie after Dre has become engaged, shows Sidney prepping and beautifying herself when Dre calls to say hes coming to visit. As she looks at herself in the mirror and fixes her hair and make-up, she pauses and asks herself What am I doing? Its just him. This scene shows how managing sexual attraction and clearly defining the relationship are concerns that come up even in long-term cross-sex friendships. Although difficult, there are benefits from cross-sex friendships that cannot be seen in same-sex friendships. Those benefits include, an increase of the understanding about beliefs and values of the other sex (Canary, Emmers-Sommers, Faulkner, 1997), verifying out attractiveness to the other sex (Rubin, 1985), protection, short-term sexual opportunities, self-expression, and intimacy (Bleske-Rechek and Buss 2000). Conclusion Developing and maintaining friendships is key in developing interpersonal skills. Although some friendships may be more easy to maintain than others, there are benefits to all types friendships and they are attainable if the parties involved value the relationship enough to put in the hard work and effort. References Alison P. LentonLaura Webber. (2006). Cross-sex Friendships: Who has More? Sex Roles, 54(11-12), 809-820. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from Psychology Module. (Document ID: 1175830101). Diane H Felmlee. (1999). Social norms in same- and cross-gender friendships. Social Psychology Quarterly, 62(1), 53-67. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from Research Library Core. (Document ID: 40396565). Greif, G. L. (2009). Buddy system: understanding  male friendships. New york: Oxford Universtiy Press. Matthijs Kalmijn. (2002). Sex Segregation of Friendship Networks. Individual and Structural Determinants of Having Cross-Sex Friends. European Sociological Review, 18(1), 101. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from Social Science Module. (Document ID: 323673221). Traustadottir, R. (2008, April). Gender patterns in friendships. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to Throw a Party Without Getting Caught By Parents?

Then, he wonders how e will ever keep it a secret from his parents. His life will be over if his parents find out and he will be grounded until he Is married. Luckily for him, he Just has to follow numerous steps In order to not receive a miserable punishment from his parents. He will conquer his high school dream of becoming a part of the popular crowd and earn respect from his peers all while acting Like the perfect child towards his mother and father. As he learned in high school English class, research must be done before writing a huge research paper.He must first see when his parents and siblings will be out of own for more than a couple of hours in order to throw the party. He should do this by tip-toeing down to the kitchen, looking at the family calendar, and finding a day where the house will be completely empty and useable. He absolutely cannot ask his parents directly when they will be gone or the entire plan Is ruined and suspicion will fill his parents' heads. If his pa rents planned for a family vacation for the weekend, he can simply play sick and contract a viral disease that will inhibit him from going on the family trip.With this terrible Illness, the family will have to leave him at home while they go on to their vacation. After all, he Is a high school boy and can take care of himself. If the whole family decides to stay home and â€Å"take care† of their beloved son, then he must magically hop out of bed, claim to be well again, and go on the trip. There will be another available time slot to have a house party. Once he finds a time where the family is gone for the day or night, he can begin to plan the party.If the parents decide to ask their neighbor or grandparents to check in on him, he should avoid this by telling the â€Å"watcher† that he does not want to get them sick and will send periodic pictures of what he is doing throughout the night. He will of course cake pictures alone in a room doing homework, reading, or lis tening to music while the rest of the party Is In another room. He must first find a close group of friends that will evaluate the student population and figure out who to invite. These friends must be trustworthy and not have parents who are friendly with the host's parents.If a parent of one of his friends calls the host's mom, the entire plan could be ruined If the friend's mom says her son was at a party at their house. Once a group is formed, speak of the party to anyone but his close group of friends until he is 100% certain of the time and day of the party. He should wait till the day of the party to invite people. This should be done through Backbone. He should create an invite on Backbone and make the invite private which means only people he invited can see it.If he tells his peers a week before the party, talk could go around school, get whispered to parents, and get told to his mom and dad. The planning behind the party is key. Once the day of the party comes, he must th ink about every possible situation that could occur and safe proof the house. He must remove any objects that are sentimental to his parents, things that are easily broken, and valuables of any kind in moms where the teenagers will be occupying. Before doing so, he should take a picture of each room so that he can put back all objects into the correct spot.If his parents noticed a picture or lamp was moved to the other side of the room, they may become suspicious and ask questions. He must lock doors to rooms he does not want anyone in such as the parents room or the father's office. If a teenager were to get into these rooms while unlocked, things could be moved around or stolen without the host even noticing. If the parents came home and saw a disruption in their bedroom r office, he would be punished immediately due to suspicion.The fewer the rooms that teenagers are allowed to go in to, the easier clean up will be. If there is illegal activity going on at the party such as under age drinking, the bathroom can be a common living area for party goers. There should be an excessive amount of toilet paper, paper towels, plungers, trash bags, and air fresheners in the bathrooms. With these available necessities, hopefully his guests will have chances to clean up after themselves. In order to minimize visibility to neighbors, he should drape or tape blankets and towels over the windows.This way, neighbors will not see any suspicious activity and call up his parents.. If his parents are coming home at one in the afternoon the following day, he should set three alarms in order to wake up four hours before his parents arrive. Once he does all these things, the party can begin and guests can arrive, but with caution. To lessen suspicion amongst neighbors, all guests should carpool with as many people as possible and park a block away from the house or scatter their cars throughout the neighborhood.This way, there will not be a line of cars in front of the house that i s supposedly vacant. Once the guests enter the house, he should pump up the music to an appropriate level and peruse the party making sure all guests are having a great time. After each guest enters the house, he must lock the door immediately after. This way no uninvited teenagers can come in the party. Also, if a guest leaves the door open without the host knowing, the neighbors might catch a glimpse of the activity going on in the house and call the parents.Once he does this, he can enjoy himself at the party. He should monitor the rooms people are allowed in and clean up food, cups, or any trash left behind. If he does this, the cleanup will be easier the next day and trash will not accumulate under sofas or tables. He should make sure guests are all feeling well and having a good time. While doing these steps, he will also be meeting numerous friends and becoming the most popular guy in Tree Hill High School. Once the host becomes tired, he should tell all guests to leave and t ravel home safely.Before he falls asleep, he should call his parents to and say goodnight. They will not be suspicious of their son's activities. After he says his goodbyes, he should clean up as much as he can. The clean-up process cannot be put aside and done five minutes before the parents come home. If he misses a single alarm and does not have time to clean up, the house will not be in perfect condition and his mom and dad will know he threw a raging house party. That is why he set three alarms to ensure this does not happen.After all three alarms wake him up; he must start with loading trash bags with bottles, cans, cups, boxes, or any large trash items. Because he woke up so early, he can have enough time to take these trash bags to a public dumping site so that his parents do not wonder why there are numerous trash bags for one person. He must look outside the window and make sure his guests did not dump their trash on his rent lawn. Once this is done, he should then move on to general clean-up such as mopping, sweeping, and putting back all the objects he originally took away.He must grab his camera, look at the pre-party pictures and make sure all heirlooms, pictures, and valuables are in their precise starting position. He should then unlock all the original rooms he blocked off. The host should do a scan of the house and make sure there are no holes in the walls or stains on the floors. If so, he should have enough time to figure out a solution. If there is a hole in the wall, he can cover it up with mouthing such as a chair and then casually admit that he caused the hole at a later time in the week when playing football in the house by himself.After the clean-up is done, he should change into casual clothes, plop on the couch, pop in a movie, and pretend that he Just woke up and is having a relaxing day. Once his parents came home, they will suspect no party occurred in the house and see that they have the best son in the world. As long as he foll ows every necessary step, he will throw the biggest, most raging house party to ever occur in his small town without his parents ever finding out.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Elements of Marketing Essay

There are several views and definition of marketing. The most widely accepted definition is that of the American Marketing Association, the professional organization for marketing practitioners and educators, which defines marketing as â€Å"the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives† Elements of Marketing Marketing Research Marketing is by definition a process of planning and executing to meet consumer needs. It understands what are actual consumer wants and needs. Marketing research is the process in which collection of data by systematically helps to identify consumer’s needs. The Four Ps The heart of marketing strategy is the development of a response to market palace. Marketing by definition explains the concept of execution, pricing, promotion and right placement of goods, ideas and services. To respond to customers, a good organization develop product according to willingness of its purchaser, identify appropriate place for availability and finally and promote its product to create familiarity in its customers mind. Product, Price, Place and promotions are four Ps of marketing which are use many organizations to define its marketing strategy. Product: Product represents goods, services, or ideas offered by a firm. Price: Price focuses on what customers are willing to pay for services. What price actually suits to consumer to buy goods? A company provides good or services and a customer willing to exchange dollars to satisfy its needs. Place: Place represents the way or specific area in which company will distribute its goods or provide services to its customers. This decision company takes after careful and effective marketing research. Promotion: The final P represents promotion. Historically it is renowned with advertisement which is mean marketing. Promotions activities involve creating awareness in consumers mind to understand how they can meet their needs. Second approach is to define STP’s STP (segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) Segmentation: It is Process of dividing the market according to similarities that exist among the various subgroups within the market. The similarities may be common characteristics or common needs and desires. One of the main reasons for using market segmentation is to help companies to better understand the needs of a specific customer base. Mass marketing assumes that all customers are the same and will respond to the same advertising. By looking at ways in which potential customer groups are different from each other, the marketing message can be better targeted to the needs and wants of those people. Market segmentation strategies that meet these criteria can cover wide range of consumer characteristics. Subsets may be defined by basic demographics like age, race, or gender, for example. Other qualities, like educational background or income can also be used, as can location. Some of the potentially most powerful variables by which to segment a market are behavioral ones, including social class, lifestyle, and interests.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Transportation System of Hong Kong and Sydney †Compare and Contrast Essay

The Transportation System of Hong Kong and Sydney – Compare and Contrast Essay Free Online Research Papers The Transportation System of Hong Kong and Sydney Compare and Contrast Essay Transport system is important to every modern city. A good transport system can bring convenience to everybody. On the surface at least, every city should have similar transport system. However, due to different factors and environment, there are differences between transport systems in different places. For example, Hong Kong and Sydney, both are famous modern city. Railway system is one of the most important parts in a good transport system. Railway makes transportation more efficient and easier. In Sydney, the City Rail is the main railway which brings people from north to south. Just because Sydney is so big that it takes a long time to travel every stop during the journey, in order to save time and make it more efficiency, the trains are divided into three types: â€Å"All Stops†, â€Å"Limited Stops† and â€Å"Express†. â€Å"All Stops† trains take people to every stop while â€Å"Limited Stops† and â€Å"Express† save time by not stopping at each station. On the other hand, Hong Kong is much smaller compared to Sydney. The main railway in Hong Kong is the Mass Transits Railway (MTR). Similarly, the MTR also makes transportation more efficient and easier to travel. The network of MTR nearly covers all the area of Hong Kong and Kowloon and south part of the New Territories. The MTR is fast, comforta ble and convenient railway in Hong Kong, just like the City Rail in Sydney. However, because Hong Kong is so small, it doesn’t take a long time to travel from one place to another. Therefore, the MTR can stop at every station it travelled through without a long time (probably less than an hour) to travel from the east to the west. Bus is also an important public transport in everywhere. In Sydney, the area is so big that it has to be several bus systems. For example, the Sydney Buses, which is the largest bus company in Sydney, travels many suburbs in Sydney, still not all. Sydney Buses provides regular bus services between the major interchanges of Sydney CBD, Wynyard, Circular Quay, Townhall, Central, North Sydney, St Leonards, Lane Cove, Epping, Macquarie Centre, Chatswood, Manly, Northern beaches, Burwood, Parramatta, Rockdale, Maroubra, Bondi Junction, Bondi Beach, Sydney Airport and many more.(Sydney Buses) The remaining parts have their own bus system to assist the transportation there. If someone is going to travel from one suburb to another suburb which is far away and if the Sydney Buses do not travel the destination, he/she has to travel by train. This makes the bus system in Sydney not as good as in Hong Kong. Compare to Sydney, Hong Kong has a much simpler bus system. There are just 3 bus companies in Hong Kong but they share the same system in Hong Kong. The routes are more or less the same. They all travel to every part in Hong Kong, even the parts that MTR does not cover. As mentioned above, Sydney is much larger than Hong Kong, it is better to have a car to travel. In Hong Kong, the roads are narrow but it is full-filled with buses, taxis, mini-buses, and private cars, which makes serious traffic jams everyday at the busy times. However in Sydney, the roads are much wider and there are fewer cars on the roads which make the traffic very thoroughly. There are also some differences and similarities in other transportations in Sydney and Hong Kong. An Example like the tram in Hong Kong, which is similar to the light rail in Sydney, both travels in a short distance and small area. There are mini bus in Hong Kong, which is like the bus in Hong Kong, while Sydney don’t have. In conclusion, even though there are similarities between the transport system in Hong Kong and Sydney, there are still some differences for example like the bus systems. The transport system in the two cites varies from each other due to different factors and environment. But it is sure that both of the systems bring efficient and convenience to each of them. Reference List: Sydney Buses: Research Papers on The Transportation System of Hong Kong and Sydney - Compare and Contrast EssayBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionLifes What IfsMind TravelNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office System19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital Punishment

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Holocaust Records Archive Unveiled

Holocaust Records Archive Unveiled After 60 years of being hidden away from the public, Nazi records about the 17.5 million people - Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, mental patients, handicapped, political prisoners and other undesirables - they persecuted during the regimes 12 years in power will be open to the public. What is the ITS Bad Arolsen Holocaust Archive? The ITS Holocaust Archive in Bad Arolsen, Germany contains the fullest records of Nazi persecutions in existence.  The archives contain 50 million pages, housed in thousands of filing cabinets in six buildings. Overall, there are 16 miles of shelves holding information about the victims of the Nazis. The documents - scraps of paper, transport lists, registration books, labor documents, medical records, and finally death registers - record the arrest, transportation, and extermination of the victims. In some case, even the amount and size of the lice found on the prisoners’ heads were recorded.This archive contains the famous Schindler’s List, with the names of 1,000 prisoners saved by factory owner Oskar Schindler who told the Nazis he needed the prisoners to work in his factory.Records of Anne Frank’s journey from Amsterdam to Bergen-Belsen, where she died at the age of 15, can also be found among the millions of documents in this archive.The Mauthausen concentration camp’s â€Å"Totenbuch,† or Death Book, records in meticulous handwriting how, on April 20, 1942, a prisoner was shot in the back of the head every two minutes for 90 hours. The Mauthausen camp commandant ordered these executions as a birthday present for Hitler.Toward the end of the war, when the Germans were struggling, the record keeping was not able to keep up with the extermination. And unknown numbers of prisoners were marched directly from trains to gas chambers in places like Auschwitz without being registered. How were the archives created? As the Allies conquered Germany and entered the Nazi concentration camps beginning in the spring of 1945, they found detailed records that had been kept by the Nazis. The documents were taken to the German town of Bad Arolsen, where they were sorted, filed, and locked way. In 1955, the International Tracing Service (ITS), an arm of the International Committee of the Red Cross, was put in charge of the archives. Why were the records closed to the public? An agreement signed in 1955 stated that no data that could harm the former Nazi victims or their families should be published. Thus, the ITS kept the files closed to the public because of concerns about the victims privacy. Information was doled out in minimal amounts to survivors or their descendants.This policy generated much ill-feeling among Holocaust survivors and researchers. In response to pressure from these groups, the ITS commission declared itself in favor of opening up the records in 1998 and began scanning the documents into digital form in 1999.Germany, however, opposed amending the original convention to allow for public access to the records. German opposition, which was based on possible misuse of information, became the main barrier to opening the Holocaust archives to the public.Yet until now Germany resisted the opening, on the grounds that the records involve private information about individuals that could be misused. Why are the records now being made available? In May 2006, following years of pressure from the United States and survivors groups, Germany changed its viewpoint and agreed to a fast revision of the original agreement.Brigitte Zypries, the German justice minister at the time, announced this decision while in Washington for a meeting with Sara J. Bloomfield, the director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.Zypries said, Our point of view is that the protection of privacy rights has reached by now a standard high enough to ensure ... the protection of privacy of those concerned. Why are the records important? The immensity of information in the archives will provide Holocaust researchers with work for generations. Holocaust scholars have already started to revise their estimates of the number of camps run by the Nazis according to new information being found. And the archives present a formidable obstacle to Holocaust deniers.In addition, with the youngest survivors very swiftly dying each year, time is running out for survivors to learn about their loved ones. Today survivors fear that after they die, no one will remember the names of their family members who were killed in the Holocaust. The archives need to be accessible while there are still survivors alive who have the knowledge and drive to access it.The opening of the archives means that survivors and their descendents can finally find information about the loved ones they lost, and this may bring them some well-deserved closure before the end of their lives.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Comparison between sudden fiction story The Country Where Nobody Ever Essay

Comparison between sudden fiction story The Country Where Nobody Ever Grew Old and Died by William Maxwell and the Garden of Eden from the Bible - Essay Example He/she claims that the story is in the Leipzig edition of the book; however, Beckford’s book does not have any reference to the case that told in the story. The major theme of the story, as its title also implied, is the question of immortality/temporality. In that sense, the story reminds â€Å"Garden of Eden† in the Bible. The aim of this paper is to compare how the theme of immortality/ temporality is interwoven into the fabrics of both stories. Firstly, a brief account on the theme of immortality in the â€Å"Garden of Eden† story will be given. Then, the stories’ differences in regard to the theme will be discussed. Before proceeding to the comparison, the question of immortality raised by the â€Å"Garden of Eden† story must be discussed. The question of what death is and whether Adam was made mortal holds a crucial place in biblical studies. The question of mortality/immortality is significant in a sense that it puts the authority of God in question while raising a suspicion that whether the snake was right. In Genesis 2: 15-17, God makes an arrangement with Adam and tells him that he will die if he eats of the tree of the knowledge: The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying â€Å"You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, â€Å"but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.† It is very clear from the above passage that if they disobey God’s command, they will be punished by death sentence. On the other hand, when the serpent and Eve converse (3:1b-5), the serpent says to the woman â€Å"You will not surely die† and contradicts God’s commandment of â€Å"You shall surely die†. However, although they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, they did not die and God pronounces a different sentence in 3:14-19. The discrepancy between the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Common Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Common Law - Essay Example The existence of a contract is not dependent upon it in being writing thus a contract can be existent if it oral or informal (Atiyah, 2006). The important decision in respect of contract can be said to be Smith v Hughes , wherein the courts laid down the subjective as well as the objective test was laid down so as to determine whether a contract was existent or not. The subjective test deals with the intention of the parties to the contract whereas the objective test looks into what was said by the parties and the intention of such things done (Peel, 2007). As far as an offer is concerned it is defined as willingness by one party who is called an offeror so as to bind itself on stated subject to acceptance by the other party who is known as the offeree. In respect of invitation to treat it has been defined as an inducement to the other to enter into negotiations and have a definite offer at the end thus an invitation to treat can be said to be a party’s readiness to start negotiations thus it cannot be said to be unequivocal thereby not having the intention that is required for an offer.. The main cases that differentiated between an offern and invitation to treat are Gibson v Manchester City Council and Storer v Manchester City Council . In Gibson the courts found an invitation to treat by looking into the correspondence between the parties and because of the fact that the price was left blank. However, in Storer the courts held that there was a contract which existed and the parties had moved beyond negotiations (Mackendrick, 2009). In respect of display of goods in shop the criterion laid down by the courts is that such display is held to be an invitation to treat (Fisher v Bell)4. However, there have been cases where the courts have found display of goods to constitute as an offer but this was due to the different nature of the case (Chapleton v Barry)5. It has been held that the use of word offer would not make the case an offer and thus the criterion needs to be established (Furmston et al, 2007). As far as posts are concerned there is a special rule that had been laid down in the case of Adams v Lindsell6, wherein it was stated valid acceptance takes place where a letter is validly posted The next step after an offer is that of acceptance the requirement which is an unequivocal and unconditional acceptance by the offeree of the terms and conditions of the offeror (Holwell

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

World of Work Silver - Organisational Awareness Coursework - 1

World of Work Silver - Organisational Awareness - Coursework Example Jaguar is exported to more than 60 countries around the world. In mid-2008 India’s Tata Motors acquired JLR for  £1.15 billion in what is seen as a move to expand its production line and cut down on costs (Grant, 2010). JLR conducts its sales to customers mainly through franchised distributors and importers. However, since 2008 activities, the demand for Land Rover cars and sales immediately declined by almost one-quarter. In 2009, for instance, 144,133 car sales were registered. Jaguar also recorded a slump in sales by almost 20 per cent to about 52,500 in 2010 (Grant, 2010). Regardless, Jaguar is an effective innovation-driven organization in its internal processes, judging by the unique car designs created through innovation and seamless R&D processes. In order to improve the quality of its products, JLR has reduced its product lines to two instead of the initial six (Raynal, 2012). This implies that JLR is keen on differentiation of a lean product line, which is achievable through technological and product line modernisation. The company spends heavily on R&D so as to come up with products which not only meet but exceed current and future customer expectations. But compared to other market rivals, JLR carefully balances its innovation with the primary risk in the current business environment – cost overruns in the unpredictable market forces. Nonetheless, Jaguar’s supply chain management is still poor, judging by the low presence of the products in the developing economies compared to its market rivals such as Mercedes Benz or General Mo tors (Harris, 2013). Owing to the fitness of the Land Rover brand for different purposes, the brand is apparently performing better than the Jaguar brand (Gomes et al, 2007). After the recent acquisition, the company has shifted major head office decisions to India in an attempt to strengthen its market presence across the two products. In India, the company seeks to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Marketing Plan Chevrolet Essay Example for Free

Marketing Plan Chevrolet Essay A performance appraisal is a review and discussion of an employees performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. The appraisal is based on results obtained by the employee in his/her job, not on the employees personality characteristics. The appraisal measures skills and accomplishments with reasonable accuracy and uniformity. It provides a way to help identify areas for performance enhancement and to help promote professional growth. It should not, however, be considered the supervisors only communication tool. Open lines of communication throughout the year help to make effective working relationships. In Chevrolet each employee is entitled to a thoughtful and careful appraisal. The success of the process depends on the supervisors willingness to complete a constructive and objective appraisal and on the employees willingness to respond to constructive suggestions and to work with the supervisor to reach future goals. In Chevrolet it is important for them to give the satisfaction of their customers as part of their business. As the company needed employees who will help them in obtaining their goals, they make sure to have excellent agents or dealers to gain more customers in market. The services which they offer to their buyers are based to the performances of their car dealers and agents who sell their products. As having an integrated performance appraisal, the Chevrolet handle their employees with a synchronization on their management that will help them to comprise more strategies, goals of the company and the right plan for them to be marketable in their business. Chevrolet has their records of their sales on their cars and the level of performances of their dealers and agents. As managing a business that needed to sell in a high cost of prices but giving customers a satisfaction and good value of their products, the company needs to check and monitor the employee who sells and market the products. Periodic reviews help the supervisors of Chevrolet gain a better understanding of each employees abil ities. The goal of the review process is to recognize achievement, to evaluate job progress, and then to design training for the further development of skills and strengths. A careful review will stimulate employee’s interest and improve job performance. The review provides the employee, the supervisor, the Vice President, and Human Resources a critical, formal feedback mechanism on an annual basis; however these discussions should not be restricted solely to a formal annual review. Annually, the appropriate supervisor evaluates each employee’s performance. In the case where an employee has changed jobs part-way through the appraisal period, both of the employee’s supervisors during the appraisal period should submit an appraisal of the employee’s performance. During the performance evaluation process, the most recent job description on file with Human Resources will be reviewed and updated if necessary, by both the employee and the supervisor. The Chevrolet employees are reviewed for a salary increase, annually. The amount of the salary increase pool of funds is recommended by the administration and approved by the Board of Trustees. The method for allocating funds is based on rewarding meritorious performance. Merit increases will be awarded on a pay-for-performance basis and are based on individual performance. When used as intended, a pay-for-performance structure achieves the goal of rewarding truly top performers with merit increases that match their achievements and contributions. These bases of performances of the employees are one way of recognizing the job that they worked hard for the company. The company wanted to increase the level of good quality services for their employees for them to have the loyalty of their customers. This reward to their dealers and agents are persuading them to enhance the ability and performances in marketing their products. The goal of Chevrolet is to give satisfaction and needs to their customers and to their future buyers. The company’s Performance Appraisal can help the company to obtain the following objectives: To maintain records in order to determine compensation packages, wage structure, salaries raises, etc and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees to place right men on right job, to maintain and assess the potential present in a person for further growth and development, to provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status, to provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status. It also serves as a basis for influencing working habits of the employees and to review and retain the promotional and other training programmes. It is said that performance appraisal is an investment for the company which can be justified by following advantages: Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors to chalk out the promotion programmes for efficient employees. In this regards, inefficient workers can be dismissed or demoted in case. It can help in chalking out compensation packages for employees. Merit rating is possible through performance appraisal. Performance Appraisal tries to give worth to a performance. Compensation packages which include bonus, high salary rates, extra benefits, allowances and pre-requisites are dependent on performance appraisal. The criteria should be merit rather than seniority. The systematic procedure of performance appraisal helps the supervisors to frame training policies and programmes. It helps to analyse strengths and weaknesses of employees so that new jobs can be designed for efficient employees. It also helps in framing future development programmes. Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors to understand the validity and importance of the selection procedure. The supervisors come to know the validity and thereby the strengths and weaknesses of selection procedure. Future changes in selection methods can be made in this regard. For an organization, effective communication between employees and employers is very important. Through performance appraisal, communication can be sought for in the following ways: the employers can understand and accept skills of subordinates; the subordinates can also understand and create a trust and confidence in superiors. It also helps in maintaining cordial and congenial labor management relationship. It develops the spirit of work and boosts the morale of employees. All the above factors ensure effective communication. The Performance appraisal of the company serves as a motivation tool. Through evaluating performance of employees, a person’s efficiency can be determined if the targets are achieved. This very well motivates a person for better job and helps him to improve his performance in the future. Life Cycle Costing The Life cycle costing is a method of calculating the total cost of a physical asset throughout its life. Life-cycle costing is concerned with all costs of ownership and takes account of the costs incurred by an asset from its acquisition to its disposal, including design, installation, operating, and maintenance costs. There are four major benefits of Life Cycle Cost analysis and it is evaluation of competing options in purchasing, improved awareness of total costs, more accurate forecasting of cost profiles and performance trade-off against cost. When the Chevrolet is planning the acquisition of a major asset, organizations spend considerable time and effort in making an economic evaluation of the initial (capital) cost. This evaluation typically considers the required size or capacity of the item, operating performance requirements, physical appearance or image projected, the capital cost, and alternative product options. The company future costs are less visible, as they are often â€Å"hidden† within general operating expenses, but they can have a significant impact on the future viability of the organization. The scale of these costs depends on the level and frequency of usage of the asset. There are also broader environmental implications that flow from the decision to acquire a major asset. Resources are used during the creation, operation and disposal phases, with the potential to affect environmental sustainability, and there may also be direct environmental impacts. The study of these broader issues is often termed life-cycle assessment. This guide does not specifically address these broader issues but they should be part of a complete assessment of the merit of a specific project. The determination of costs is an integral part of the asset management process and is a common element of many of the asset manager’s tools, particularly Economic Appraisal, Financial Appraisal, Value Management, Risk Management and Demand Management. Growing pressure to achieve better outcomes from assets means that ongoing operating and maintenance costs must be considered as they consume more resources over the asset’s service life. Both the capital and the ongoing operating and maintenance costs must be considered wherever asset management decisions involving costs are made. This is the Life Cycle Cost approach. Quality Costing Improving quality is considered by many to be the best way to enhance customer satisfaction, to reduce manufacturing costs and to increase productivity. Any serious attempt to improve quality must take into account the costs associated with achieving quality, since nowadays it does not suffice to meet customer requirements, it must be done at the lowest possible cost as well. This can only happen by reducing the costs needed to achieve quality, and the reduction of these costs is only possible if they are identified and measured. The identification itself is not straightforward because there is no general agreement on a single broad definition of quality costs. However, according to Dale and Plunkett (1995), it is now widely accepted that quality costs are the costs incurred in the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of a quality management system, the cost of resources committed to continuous improvement, the costs of system, product and service failures, and all other necessary costs and non-value added activities required to achieve a quality product or service. Measuring and reporting these costs should be considered a critical issue for any manager who aims to achieve competitiveness in today’s markets. These are costs that can be only estimated such as profits not earned because of lost customers and reduction in revenue owing to non-conformance. The importance of opportunity and intangible costs for quality costing has been recently emphasized in the literature. The practice of costing quality is the combination of two important elements: the first is to analyse the cost of each part of a process and identify areas where savings may be made; the second is the right first time approach. Of course people don’t just need to do things right, they need to be sure they are doing the right things. The aim of a quality costing process is to maximize quality while minimizing cost. A sound quality costing programme will measure the cost of quality; aim to control and reduce it; and, continually monitor it as a measure of progress. The process of quality costing is, on the whole, one of negative analysis instead of strengths, it looks for weaknesses. This may be a painful exercise, be prepared for that. But remember that by identifying costs you can take steps to reduce them. Ignoring ineffectiveness and poor quality is rather like the ostrich approach to management if I don’t see it, it won’t hurt me. It is useful to bear in mind that the best business with which to compare quality costs is your own. If you introduce quality cost measurement activities twice a year you will soon have data to compare. The Chevrolet cost categories in the quality planning is one of the most important and had prioritized by the company for them to achieved customer satisfaction. The company offer products with good materials to maintain the quality but with affordable prices. The company’s prevention costs support activities whose purpose is to reduce the number of defects. Chevrolet employs many techniques to prevent defects, for example statistical process control, quality engineering, training, and a variety of tools from total quality management (TQM). Prevention costs include activities relating to quality circles and statistical process control. Quality circles consist of small groups of employees that meet on a regular basis to discuss ways to improve quality. Both management and workers are included in these circles. An out of control process results in defective units and may be caused by a miscalibrated machine or some other factor. In statistical process control, workers use charts to monitor the quality of units that pass through their workstations. With these charts, workers can quickly spot processes that are out of control and that are creating defects. Problems can be immediately corrected and further defects prevented rather than waiting for an inspector to catch the defect later. Any defective parts and products should be caught as early as possible in the production process in the company. Appraisal costs, which are sometimes called inspection costs, are incurred to identify defective products before the products are shipped to customers. Unfortunately performing appraisal activates doesnt keep defects from happening again and most managers realize now that maintaining an army of inspectors is a costly and ineffective approach to quality control. Employees are increasingly being asked to be responsible for their own quality control. This approach along with designing products to be easy to manufacture properly, allows quality to be built into products rather than relying on inspections to get the defects out. Failure costs are incurred when a product fails to conform to its design specifications. Failure costs can be either internal or external. Internal failure costs result from identification of defects before they are shipped to customers. These costs include scrap, rejected products, reworking of defective units, and downtime caused by quality problem. This also experienced by the company and the more effective the companys appraisal activities the greater the chance of catching defects internally and the greater the level of internal failure costs. This is the price that is paid to avoid incurring external failure costs, which can be devastating for the company. When a defective product is delivered to customer, external failure cost is the result. External failure costs include warranty, repairs and replacements, product recalls, liability arising from legal actions against a company, and lost sales arising from a reputation for poor quality. Such costs can decimate profits. External failure costs usually give rise to another intangible cost. These intangible costs are hidden costs that involve the companys image. They can be three or four times greater than tangible costs. Missing a deadline or other quality problems can be intangible costs of quality. Internal failure costs, external failure costs and intangible costs that impair the goodwill of the company occur due to a poor quality so these costs are also known as costs of poor quality by some persons.